VICTORY: Court Strikes Down Discriminatory Provisions of Anti-Voter Arizona Law


In a victory for Arizona voters, a federal judge struck down last week numerous discriminatory, anti-voter provisions of two recently enacted Arizona laws, H.B. 2492 and H.B. 2243, that undermined Arizonans’ freedom to vote and violated federal law. 

Notably, the U.S. District Court’s decision prevents Arizona from rejecting voter registration forms submitted without documentary proof of citizenship, which discriminates against Latino citizens, who already face unique barriers to voting. Voters are already required to attest to their citizenship – under penalty of perjury – to register to vote, and federal law prohibits states from imposing additional requirements to register for federal elections.  

The decision also invalidated the requirement that applicants provide documentary proof of their residence when registering to vote. That provision created yet another hurdle for Arizonans, and it was especially burdensome for Native voters who, due to disinvestment in Native communities, are more likely to lack the required documentation. 

“Our democracy works best when every voter can participate. Today’s ruling validates that fundamental principle of American democracy,” said Danielle Lang, Senior Director of Voting Rights at Campaign Legal Center. “This is a victory for every Arizonan, but especially for Latino and Native voters who have long faced significant barriers to accessing their fundamental freedom to vote. This much is clear: no voter should be excluded from our democracy just because of where they live or where they are from. We look forward to continuing the fight to defend Arizonans’ freedom to vote on the remaining provisions of these anti-voter laws.” 

"The right to vote is a fundamental right that should be accessible to all citizens in this nation. We should be working to make it easier to vote rather than focusing on excluding voters from the democratic process,” said Alejandra Gomez, Executive Director of Living United for Change in Arizona. “Today is a major victory for democracy, and LUCHA will continue its work to defend Arizonans’ right to vote; whether it is in the streets or the courts, we will be present." 

"LULAC is winning the battle for voting rights, and this historic decision in Arizona is only the first," said Domingo Garcia, LULAC National President. "Let this be the clarion call for justice in the federal courts of Texas, Iowa, Florida, and anywhere else where election fixers try to deny us our constitutional rights!"

“This court ruling is a resounding victory for the people of Arizona and a reaffirmation of the core principles of our democracy. The striking down of discriminatory provisions in H.B. 2492 and H.B 2243 sends a powerful message; that no one’s right to vote should be infringed upon based on their ethnicity or the documentation they possess” said Sena Mohammed, Executive Director for Arizona Coalition for Change. “We must ensure that every Arizonan, regardless of their background, has an equal and unobstructed path to exercise their fundamental right to vote. This decision is a step towards a more inclusive and just democracy for all.”

“This is another court ruling protecting student voting rights in Arizona.” said Shayna Stevens, Co-Executive Director of the Arizona Students’ Association. “Arizona students deserve to have access to fair voter registration and voting processes without additional barriers to exercising their right to vote. ASA celebrates this ruling as a victory ensuring students have the ability to participate in our Democracy regardless of their background. It is ASA’s hope that this ruling prevents future bills attacking our voting rights; but we are prepared to continue defending all Arizonans’ rights to vote at the state legislature, the ballot box and in the courts.”

It was not until the Snyder Act of 1924 that Native Americans were enfranchised, but not in Arizona. Only through the 1948 case of Porter v. Hall were Arizona tribal members finally able to vote. “Sadly, this was an effort by the legislature to step back in time and make it harder for Native Americans to vote,” said San Carlos Apache Tribe Chairman Terry Rambler. “Disenfranchising voters is wrong and un-American.  Fortunately Judge Bolton recognized this fact and our right to vote and be heard remains protected.”

“Too many Arizona voters—particularly voters of color—face significant barriers to exercising their right to vote,” said Courtney Hostetler, Senior Counsel for Free Speech For People. “This ruling removes some of the unlawful hurdles that the challenged laws put in the way of Arizona voters, and demonstrates that no state can deprive voters of the voting rights guaranteed to them by federal law. We celebrate this decision and look forward to challenging the remaining barriers posed by these vote suppression laws.

Campaign Legal Center (CLC), the Department of Justice of the San Carlos Apache Tribe, Barton Mendez Soto PLLC, Free Speech for People and Mayer Brown, LLP filed the lawsuit on behalf of Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA), League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), Arizona Students’ Association (ASA), Arizona Democracy Resource Center (ADRC), Arizona Coalition for Change (ACC), the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona (ITCA) and the San Carlos Apache Tribe. 

The challenged law returned Arizona to its arbitrary ‘dual-registration’ system, where a voter’s right to vote in federal elections is contingent on which form, state or federal, the voter uses to register. The law also prohibited voters who do not produce specific documents from using vote-by-mail or early voting and prevented them from voting in presidential elections at all. Today’s decision prevents Arizona from enforcing those provisions. 

The decision also prohibits unlawfully purging voters from the registration rolls within 90 days of an election and rejecting registration forms that do not have the citizenship box ‘checked’-- even if proof of citizenship is submitted. 

Congress Must Pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act


Today, members of the U.S. House of Representatives, led by Congresswoman Terri Sewell, reintroduced the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (VRAA), legislation named after the late civil rights icon that would amend and restore the full strength of the Voting Rights Act (VRA). 

“With the 2024 election cycle already in full swing, it’s never been clearer: all voters should have a say in the future direction of our country,” said Trevor Potter, president of Campaign Legal Center (CLC), and a Republican former chairman of the Federal Election Commission. “The John Lewis VRAA will help America realize the true promise of our democracy: a government of, by, and for the people. The Voting Rights Act has a long track record of earning overwhelming bipartisan support, because protecting voting access should be a goal that transcends political divides. Campaign Legal Center strongly endorses the John Lewis VRAA.” 

Attacks on voting rights have reached a new fever pitch after the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the 2013 case Shelby County v. Holder, with the attacks growing even more persistent since 2020. In the past decade, Americans have seen cutbacks to early voting periods, new burdensome requirements to cast ballots and restrictions on the right of nonpartisan civic engagement groups to assist citizens in participating fully in the democratic process. 

Notably, the VRAA would reestablish and revitalize the important preclearance system gutted by the U.S. Supreme Court in Shelby County v. Holder, as well as strengthen Section 2 of the VRA, which the Court has also weakened in recent years. These essential reforms will protect Black and brown voters throughout the voting process and help ensure every American can participate in our democracy.     


What to Look for at the House Administration Committee’s FEC Oversight Hearing


Federal campaign finance laws help ensure transparency about who’s spending money to influence elections, hold candidates accountable for the money they raise and spend in pursuit of public office, and curtail corruption (and its appearance) in our government. But campaign finance laws can only further these goals if they are applied fairly and enforced robustly. 

For over ten years, the agency responsible for implementing and enforcing these laws – the Federal Election Commission (FEC) - has regularly failed to do its job, weighed down in ideological gridlock. 

But tomorrow, all six of the FEC’s commissioners will appear before a congressional oversight committee to answer lawmakers’ questions about the agency’s work. This opportunity must not be taken lightly by members of Congress, who will have the chance to address the FEC’s regulatory failures and hold the agency accountable. This includes topics like the FEC’s:  

  • Failure to police the rampant increase in coordination between super PACs and candidates and parties. 

  • Allowing secret election spending, also called ‘dark money,’ to flourish. 

  • Giving politicians the green light to use donor funds for their personal expenses

The current political environment has allowed wealthy special interests to dominate our elections, drowning out the voice of everyday Americans. To ensure every American has a meaningful opportunity to participate in our political process and have their voices heard, we need a stronger FEC to enforce our laws and hold violators accountable. Tomorrow’s oversight hearing is an opportunity for Congress to ask tough questions and push the FEC to do better, ensuring our system of checks and balances works the way it is intended to. 

Combating DMV Voter Registration Issues in South Carolina

At a Glance

During the 2022 election, many South Carolina voters faced significant difficulty casting their ballot despite properly registering or updating their voter registration through the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles (SCDMV). CLC, ACLU, and ACLU of South Carolina represent Black Voters Matter, Amplify Action, Upstate Action Alliance, and individual voters to address this issue which hindered properly registered South Carolinians’ ability to vote.  

About This Case/Action

Before the 2022 Election, many South Carolinians registered to vote or updated their voter registration at the South Carolina DMV (SCDMV)—a required mechanism under the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). However, on Election Day, many of these voters experienced issues casting their ballot because their voter registration did not reflect either registration or an address change completed at the SCDMV.  

Under the NVRA, the DMV must provide for new voter registration and process updates to existing voter registrations. This process hinges on the SC DMV properly communicating the updates to the South Carolina State Election Commission (SC SEC) so that the SC SEC can communicate these changes to the counties ahead of Election Day.  

During the 2022 election in South Carolina, there was a breakdown in this critical communication, causing confusion across the state. Some properly registered voters were turned away at their polling place. One voter reported updating her registration at the SC DMV the summer before Election Day, yet her new polling place had her marked as improperly registered on Election Day. To vote, she then had to travel to her local County Board of Elections, update her address, and vote there. While waiting in line, she encountered voters with the same issue. Because of the wait time, some voters even left. Voters should not face such widespread confusion and barriers to voting.  

The fact that the information filed with the SC DMV was not properly updated with the SC SEC constitutes a clear violation of the NVRA. CLC, ACLU, and ACLU of South Carolina sent a notice letter to the SC SEC regarding this violation. SC SEC must correct the issue or outline a clear plan on how to correct the issue by December 7, 2023. 

The 2023 election in South Carolina is only a couple of months away. If the DMV voter registration process is not remedied, more South Carolina voters may be improperly denied the opportunity to vote this Election Day.  

Defending Civic Engagement Groups

At a Glance

Nonpartisan civic engagement groups are a core part of building a better democracy from the ground up. Despite their work to help voters participate in democracy, civic engagement groups have come under attack, undermining their critical work to expand access to democracy and violating their First Amendment rights. Campaign Legal Center is actively fighting back.

About This Case/Action

As long as we have had a representative democracy, civic-minded Americans have worked tirelessly to ensure their neighbors can access it—by registering people to vote, holding voter education events and promoting engagement in the democratic process to build stronger communities.  

Nonpartisan civic engagement groups, composed of civic-minded Americans, have carried this unique American tradition forward from the founding to the present day. 

But recently, these groups’ efforts have come under attack. In state after state, self-interested politicians have introduced and/or passed new laws that would completely undermine or even criminalize the activities of nonpartisan civic engagement groups. These laws are both unconstitutional and unpopular, which is why they are often tucked away in larger anti-voter bills, where they receive less attention. 

Not only do these laws represent a serious attack on civic engagement groups’ constitutional rights to free speech and association, but they would also have clear negative effects on Black and brown voters, low-income voters, voters with disabilities and young voters, groups that civic engagement organizations often prioritize because of a history of disenfranchisement and marginalization

Our democracy is strongest when every voter can make their voice heard. We should celebrate, not punish, the civic-minded organizations and volunteers who help Americans vote. That’s why Campaign Legal Center is fighting back. 

Where CLC is fighting back: