Supreme Court Denies Cert in Party Financing Case


Today, the U.S. Supreme Court denied the petition for certiorari in Cao v. FEC, a key case concerning the federal party coordinated spending limits.  The high Court’s order leaves standing the decision of the en banc Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals that strongly affirmed the constitutionality of these important restrictions.

“This morning the Supreme Court deferred to precedent and declined to hear this attack on the longstanding limits on party coordinated spending,” said attorney Tara Malloy of the Campaign Legal Center.  “Plaintiffs’ challenge would have blown huge loopholes in the federal campaign finance laws and enabled large-scale circumvention of the individual contribution limits.”

The case was one of two challenges to campaign finance laws filed shortly after the 2008 federal elections by the RNC.  The Cao case challenged the federal limits on how much money the parties could spend in direct coordination with their candidates, as well as the $5,000 political committee contribution limit as applied to party coordinated spending.  The party coordinated spending limits had been upheld by the Supreme Court in its 2001 decision in FEC v. Colorado Republican Fed. Campaign Committee, and thus the plaintiffs were effectively requesting that the high Court overrule one of its past decisions.

“We are pleased that the Supreme Court turned away this challenge and that its prior decisions in campaign finance cases remain the law of the land,” added Ms. Malloy.  “Today, the challenged law survived, but there remains a lengthy list of challenges making their way through the courts hoping for a sympathetic audience from the Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Roberts.”

In June 2010, the Supreme Court summarily affirmed the lower court decision in the companion case to Cao – RNC v. FEC – which had upheld the McCain-Feingold soft money limits on contributions to political party committees.  Today’s decision thus marks the second time the Supreme Court has declined to hear cases by those who seek to loosen the federal party financing restrictions.

The Legal Center, along with Democracy 21, filed an amici brief with the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals on April 19, 2010 to defend the constitutionality of the party coordinated spending limits.  To read the brief, click here.

Legal Center Files and Testifies on 3 Matters Before the FEC Relating to Coordination, Soft Money & Non-Federal Fundraising Events


This week the Campaign Legal Center offered testimony and submitted comments in three matters before the Federal Election Commission (FEC).  The Legal Center filed comments opposing an advisory opinion request by the National Democratic Redistricting Trust to allow Members of Congress to solicit unlimited soft money contributions for redistricting activities, submitted supplemental comments in a rulemaking on coordination between candidates and outside groups, and testified at an FEC rulemaking hearing regarding the participation of federal candidates and officeholders in nonfederal fundraising events.


 More detailed summaries, including links to the filings themselves follow. 

 CLC Files Comments with FEC in “National Democratic Redistricting Trust” Matter

On March, 15, the Campaign Legal Center, together with Democracy 21, filed comments with the FEC in regard to the Advisory Opinion Request (AOR 2010-03) submitted by the National Democratic Redistricting Trust seeking the Commission’s opinion as to whether “Members of Congress may solicit funds for the Trust outside the limits and source restrictions prescribed by” federal campaign finance laws to pay attorneys fees and other costs associated with the legislative redistricting process that will follow the 2010 census.

The Legal Center urged the FEC to advise that federal law prohibits federal candidates and officeholders from soliciting nonfederal funds (i.e., soft money) in connection with any election—and that redistricting is most certainly connected to elections.  The Legal Center pointed out that both the FEC and the Democratic National Committee correctly argued in their briefs filed recently in Republican National Committee v. FEC—a lawsuit by the RNC challenging the federal law ban on parties raising soft money for redistricting and other purposes—that redistricting activities occur “in connection with elections.”  For the FEC to decide otherwise in this advisory opinion proceeding, we argue, would be inconsistent with, and severely undermine, the FEC’s current position before the court in theRNC case.

 [Executive Director J. Gerald Hebert took no part in the Legal Center’s consideration of this matter.]


To read the comments on AOR 2010-03, click here.


CLC Files Supplemental Comments with FEC Following “Coordination” Rulemaking Hearing

On March 15, the Campaign Legal Center, together with Democracy 21, filed supplemental comments with the FEC in response to questions posed by Commissioner McGahn to Paul S. Ryan of the Campaign Legal Center at the Commission’s March 3 rulemaking hearing regarding coordinated communications under 11 C.F.R. § 109.21.  Commissioner McGahn posed a series of hypothetical scenarios to Ryan at the hearing.  The CLC’s comments filed this week explain why the various hypotheticals would not fall within the “coordination” rule advocated by the CLC (employing the so-called PASO standard).

The Legal Center further suggested in its supplemental comments that, in addition to crafting clever hypotheticals that seek to probe the outer limits of the proposed PASO coordination rules, the FEC should actually consider real life ads that fall squarely within the heartland of the PASO test.  The FEC should be asking whether such ads should be excluded from the coordination rule outside the pre-election time frames, and whether, consequently, candidates should be permitted to freely coordinate with outside spenders on the content and airing of such ads that overtly promote a candidate’s campaign.  This is a real question—not a hypothetical—which the Commission completely ignored at its March 3 hearing.  Many witnesses were advocating the adoption of a much narrower “express advocacy” standard—and none of those witnesses were subjected by Commissioner McGahn or any other Commissioner to questions about such real-life PASO ads, more than a hundred examples of which were submitted to the FEC by the Legal Center in its last “coordination” rulemaking.  We urge the Commission to consider the impact of its proposed rules on such real-life ads before it adopts a final rule.


To read the supplemental comments on NPRM 2009-23, click here.


CLC Attorney Testifies at FEC Rulemaking Hearing on Participation by Federal Officeholders at Non-Federal Fundraising Events

On March 16, the CLC’s FEC Program Director Paul S. Ryan testified at the FEC’s rulemaking hearing on proposed revisions to its regulations regarding participation by federal candidates and officeholders at nonfederal fundraising events under 11 C.F.R. § 300.64.  The FEC was required by the D.C. Circuit Court’s decision in Shays v. FEC, 528 F.3d 914 (D.C. Cir. 2008) (“Shays III”), to repeal its regulation allowing federal candidates and officeholders to speak “without restriction” (e.g., solicit soft money) at state, district and local party fundraising events.

The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (“BCRA”) provides that federal candidates and officeholders may not “solicit, receive, direct, transfer or spend” funds unless the funds comply with the amount limitations and source prohibitions of the Federal Election Campaign Act.  Notwithstanding this restriction, BCRA also states that federal candidates and officeholders are permitted to “attend, speak, or be a featured guest at a fundraising event for a State, district, or local committee of a political party.”  Despite clear congressional intent to prohibit—and clear statutory language prohibiting—federal candidate and federal officeholder soft money fundraising in connection with state and local elections, the FEC in its 2002 rulemaking to implement these provisions concluded that federal candidates and officeholders were permitted to attend, speak, and appear as featured guests at State, district, and local party committee fundraising events “without restriction or regulation.”

 This rule was challenged and invalidated by the D.C. Circuit in Shays III.  In its rulemaking to comply with the Shays III decision, the FEC is considering three alternative approaches.  One would simply repeal the invalidated regulatory language, while the other two would elaborate on how federal candidates and officeholders may participate in nonfederal fundraisers and in pre-event publicity without violating the soft money solicitation ban.  The CLC endorsed simply removing the invalidated language from the FEC’s rules as the simplest, most straightforward means of complying with the Shays III decision, but did not oppose the Commission’s adoption of either of the other two alternatives.  All three alternatives, the CLC believes, comply with the Shays III court’s order and are permissible interpretations of the statute.

Unity08 v. FEC

At a Glance

On January 10, 2007, Unity08, a self-described “nascent political party,” brought suit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia challenging a FEC advisory opinion finding that it was a “political committee” under FECA even though it had not yet nominated its presidential and vice-presidential candidates. In March 2010, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit held that that Unity08 was not subject to regulation as a political committee unless and until it selected a “clearly identified” candidate...

About This Case/Action

On January 10, 2007, Unity08, a self-described “nascent political party,” brought suit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia challenging a FEC advisory opinion finding that it was a “political committee” under FECA even though it had not yet nominated its presidential and vice-presidential candidates.  In March 2010, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit held that that Unity08 was not subject to regulation as a political committee unless and until it selected a “clearly identified” candidate. The court of appeals decision reversed district ruling in favor of the FEC in October 2008, upholding the FEC’s determination that plaintiff Unity08 was a “political committee.”

The Legal Center, with Democracy 21, filed amici briefs in both the district court and the D.C. Circuit defending the FEC’s advisory opinion.





CLC Hails Schumer-Van Hollen Proposal to Address the Activist Citizens United Ruling: Statement of Meredith McGehee, Policy Director


The proposal announced today by Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) is a strong counter-thrust to the damage done to our democracy by the U.S. Supreme Court in its activist ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission . Once this legislation is officially introduced, Congress should move quickly to enact these measures before undisclosed corporate money, likely laundered through trade associations and front groups, floods the 2010 election cycle.

Support for this legislation should be broad and bipartisan.

The Court's narrow 5-4 majority in Citizens United is especially troubling because it ignores precedent as well as the well-documented and corrupt history of influence-buying in Washington.

The legislative remedy proposed by Sen. Schumer and Rep. Van Hollen is commendable and makes important strides to repair the damage done by the Court majority in Citizens United . By banning expenditures by foreign interests, TARP recipients, and federal contractors, and through increased disclosure to the public and to shareholders, the legislation repairs some of the damage done to our democracy by that ruling. Most important, it seeks to strengthen the role of citizens (as opposed to artificial corporate entities) in our political system. The provisions that ensure candidates access to less expensive airtime and tightens the FEC's loose coordination rules complement the corporate provisions.

The public outrage about the recent Supreme Court decision is not confined to one political party - Democrats, Republicans and Independents have expressed concern about the impact of this ruling. Congress must harness that concern to pass this legislative framework unveiled today by Sen. Schumer and Rep. Van Hollen. At a time when the public is angry about the role of banks and other corporate entities are playing in our economy and people are feeling unheard in Washington, Members of Congress would be unwise to ignore the anger of the voters who sent them to our nation's Capitol to do the people's business.

Cao (RNC) v. FEC

At a Glance
In November 2008, the RNC filed a challenge to the federal limits on coordinated spending between political parties and their candidates for federal office. In September 2010, the en banc Fifth Circuit rejected all of plaintiffs’ claims, and upheld the party coordinated spending limits...
About This Case/Action

In November 2008, the RNC filed a challenge to the federal limits on coordinated spending between political parties and their candidates for federal office.  In September 2010, the en banc Fifth Circuit rejected all of plaintiffs’ claims, and upheld the party coordinated spending limits.  On March 21, 2011, the Supreme Court denied certiorari, allowing the Fifth Circuit decision affirming the coordinated spending limits to stand.


Cao (RNC)



White House: CLC Urges White House to Nominate FEC Commissioners Willing to Enforce The Law


Today the Campaign Legal Center urged President Obama to take immediate steps to replace those members of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) serving expired terms in order to begin the housecleaning at the agency to ensure our nation's campaign finance laws are enforced. There is much to be done in the wake of the activist 5-4 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in Citizens United.

Over the course of the last year, the three Republican FEC Commissioners have repeatedly imposed their own ideological agenda rather than enforce laws enacted by Congress, with the result that our nation's campaign finance laws have been undermined time and again. While the non-enforcement problems at the FEC predate the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision, it is more important than ever in the wake of that decision that the FEC be comprised of commissioners willing to enforce the law.

A key part of changing the way business is done in Washington is to insist that the FEC perform its sworn duties. Disturbing the status quo of the White House nominating commissioners selected by Senate leadership for their party fealty above all else will no doubt upset some members of the Senate who have grown used to party apparatchiks heading up the toothless enforcement agency.

But as Legal Center Executive Director J. Gerald Hebert stressed in his letter to President Obama, "it is a fight that your Administration must undertake to be true to the commitments you made during your presidential campaign, at your Inauguration, after the Court's decision and at your State of the Union address."

The full letter follows below:

February 4, 2010

The Honorable Barack Obama

President of the United States

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Obama:

Your State of the Union address makes clear that you recognize the need to address the very serious threat to our democracy created by the United States Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United. The 5-4 decision by an activist Court will allow corporations to use their vast treasury funds to engage in independent expenditures in political campaigns and grossly distorts the very idea of representative democracy. The ruling has opened the floodgates for special-interest money to flow into our nation's elections and exacerbate a system of access and influence-buying that is already threatening public confidence in our democracy.

We understand that your Administration is already working with Congress to craft legislation to mitigate the damage inflicted by the Court, and that is commendable. We are hopeful that Congress, to mitigate the damage of the Citizens United decision, will enact a package of statutory changes, including s tronger laws regarding what constitutes coordination as well as laws to ensure that corporate independent expenditures do not become a means to evade the current statutory restrictions on foreign nationals' roles in U.S. elections.

However, even with these new laws in place, the current Federal Election Commission (FEC) is not up to the job of properly interpreting and enforcing the statutes that its members are sworn to uphold. The current FEC is dysfunctional, with some Commissioners placing party loyalty and ideological disagreement above their sworn duty to uphold the law. It is imperative that your Administration quickly identify and nominate individuals who do not repeat these mistakes and who believe in the laws they are supposed to uphold. It is also critical that you and your Administration work hard to push the Senate to schedule votes on their nominations this spring.

With this Supreme Court decision, a key question becomes which communications are truly "independent" and may be paid for with unlimited corporate funds, and which are "coordinated" with a candidate or party and may therefore not be paid for with any corporate funds. That crucial question is currently before the FEC— a hopelessly deadlocked and politicized agency with three lame-duck, holdover Commissioners. The FEC has so far spent seven years on adopting a coordination rule and has still not managed to write a definition of "coordination" that meets the requirements laid out by Congress in the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002. In fact, two federal court cases found that the implementing regulations the FEC did write were woefully inadequate and under-inclusive. Before the FEC again attempts to write new coordination regulations, it needs new Commissioners up to the task and dedicated to strict enforcement of the law and implementation of Congress's language in BCRA.

We cannot emphasize enough the need for you to exercise the important power that, as head of the Executive Branch, is available to you to bring about change at the FEC. That power to name, subject to Senate confirmation, new members of the FEC can have an immediate and positive impact to correct the very serious problems at the FEC and to bring about needed enforcement in the wake of the Citizens United decision. The refusal by the Commissioners to enforce existing laws is as damaging to our democracy as the recent radical and activist decision from the Court.

You have the ability to appoint new Commissioners now. That said, we recognize that there may well be confirmation battles over your nominees, especially if they are cut from a different cloth than those who have brought the FEC to a standstill. In the aftermath of Citizens United, that would be a fight worth engaging in. Indeed, it is a fight that your Administration must undertake to be true to the commitments you made during your presidential campaign, at your Inauguration, after the Court's decision and at your State of the Union address. In light of the Citizens United decision, the time to bring about needed change at the FEC is now.

The Campaign Legal Center stands ready to assist your efforts in any way we can.


J. Gerald Hebert

Executive Director


U.S. Senate: CLC Offers Possible Legislative Fixes to Citizens United at Request of Senate Committee


Today the Campaign Legal Center submitted the following letter and memo to Senate Rules Committee Chairman Charles Schumer (D-NY) offering a series of potential legislative fixes to repair some of the damage done by the U.S. Supreme Court in its recent ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. The suggested approaches were submitted for the official record at the request of the Rules Committee and outline a list of issues that the Legal Center recommends Congressional leaders should consider when putting together a legislative package in response to the recent court ruling.


The full text of the letter and memo follow below:

February 1, 2010

The Hon. Charles Schumer

Chair, Senate Rules Committee

Russell 305

Washington, DC 20510

Dear Chairman Schumer:

The Campaign Legal Center is pleased that the Senate Rules Committee will hold a hearing on the effect of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United v. FEC. We appreciate the opportunity to share with the Committee our thoughts regarding appropriate legislative responses to the Court's decision, which we regard as an extreme example of radical judicial overreach that arbitrarily overturns decades of precedent, and undercuts the ability of the legislative branch to regulate elections. We respectfully request that this letter and the accompanying attachment be included in the official record of the Rules Committee.

As you know, the 5-4 decision in Citizens United struck down the 60-year-old federal restriction on corporate expenditures in candidate elections. To reach this holding, the majority opinion written by Justice Kennedy effectively overruled three earlier Supreme Court decisions that upheld the constitutionality of restrictions on corporate expenditures: part of McConnell v. FEC (2003), Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce (1990); and WRTL v. FEC (2007). Justice Stevens dissented, joined by Justices Ginsburg, Breyer, and Sotomayor. Eight of the Court's nine justices, however, joined in upholding the electioneering communications disclosure provisions that were enacted as a part of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA).

The Citizens United case began as a challenge to BCRA's "electioneering communications" corporate funding restriction and disclosure requirements as applied to plaintiff's film entitled Hillary: The Movie and its advertisements promoting the film. On July 18, 2008, the district court granted the FEC's motion for summary judgment, holding that the film was the "functional equivalent of express advocacy" and therefore could be constitutionally subject to corporate funding restrictions. Citizens United appealed to the Supreme Court.

In its opening brief filed with the Court, Citizens United first argued that the Court's 1990 decision in Austin v. Michigan State Chamber of Commerce should be overruled. Instead of deciding the case on statutory grounds or on narrow constitutional grounds, the Court, on June 29, 2009, took the rare step of ordering re-argument on the question of whether the Court should overrule its past decisions affirming the constitutionality of restrictions on corporate electoral expenditures. After hearing oral argument on this broader question on September 9, 2009, the Court rendered its decision.

The Legal Center filed two amici briefs—on June 29 and July 31, 2009—with the Court, and previously had filed an amicus brief with the district court on June 6, 2008.

By empowering corporations to use their enormous wealth and urge the election or defeat of federal candidates, what the Court majority did in Citizens United was to unleash unprecedented amounts of corporate "influence-seeking" money on our elections and create unprecedented opportunities for corporate "influence-buying" corruption. This corporate cash will buy even more power over the legislative process and government decision making. As a result of this decision, for-profit corporations and industries will be able to threaten members of Congress with negative ads if they vote against corporate interests, and to spend tens of millions of dollars on campaign ads to "punish" those who do not "knuckle under" to their lobbying threats.

More than a century's worth of federal and state laws and policies restricting corporate campaign activity in federal elections has been undermined by the Court's irresponsible decision in Citizens United . What makes this glaring case of radical judicial activism even more striking is the fact that the Court chose to decide this case contrary to its own settled principles of stare decisis. As Chief Justice John Roberts testified in his confirmation hearings:

I do think that it is a jolt to the legal system when you overrule a precedent. Precedent plays an important role in promoting stability and evenhandedness. It is not enough—and the court has emphasized this on several occasions —it is not enough that you may think the prior decision was wrongly decided. That really doesn't answer the question, it just poses the question. And you do look at these other factors, like settled expectations, like the legitimacy of the court, like whether a particular precedent is workable or not, whether a precedent has been eroded by subsequent developments. All of those factors go into the determination of whether to revisit a precedent under the principles of stare decisis. [1]

Unfortunately, the Chief Justice and the other four Justices that comprised the majority in Citizens United failed to apply these factors in this case. After all, the Citizens United decision immediately de-stabilized the law, not only because the Court overturned decades of laws restricting corporate spending in our elections, but it also effectively invalidated or cast doubt regarding state election laws in over twenty states where corporate spending is restricted. These circumstances certainly had created an atmosphere of "settled expectations" that corporate spending restrictions would remain in place. That is especially true since the Court upheld those restrictions in the 2003 McConnell decision and refused to strike them down in the 2007 WRTL decision. Moreover, the restrictions on corporate spending had not proven to be unworkable or "eroded by subsequent developments."

Most irresponsibly, the narrow Court majority chose to take this radical step without even the benefit of a record from the lower courts, and in a case where there were several opportunities to decide the issues without overturning Acts of Congress or its own precedents. This case has all the hallmarks of the very judicial activism that conservatives usually criticize. Lacking an even vaguely authoritative set of facts in the case, the Court chose to act not upon relevant facts in a fully developed record, but rather based on its gut instinct in a gesture of disturbing condescension toward Congress and the American people. In this case, five Justices assumed the role of legislators, and actively reached out to decide matters better left to the expertise of Congress. The fact that they used the First Amendment as constitutional cover for their policy decision that corporate America has the same free speech rights as ordinary citizens only deepens the perversion of this ruling.

Given this outcome, it is critical that Congress move expeditiously to mitigate the damage inflicted by this decision. Attached is a list of areas the Legal Center has identified that Congress should consider as it attempts to limit the damage to our democracy caused by this decision. We encourage this Committee to move quickly to put together a package of reforms and to ensure that the dangers presented by Citizens United are dealt with effectively.

The Campaign Legal Center looks forward to the hearings and stands ready to be of assistance as the Committee considers specific legislation.


J. Gerald Hebert

Executive Director



The astonishing and radical outcome of the Citizens United case has opened new and troubling venues for a flood of special-interest money to pour into elections at all levels of government. The decision did not leave much room to repair the damage it will cause. But some actions can and should be taken immediately at the federal level—before the mid-term elections—to mitigate the damage the decision could bring.

Below is a list of issues that Congressional leaders should consider when putting together a legislative response package.

Ø Strengthen Statutory Language on What Constitutes Coordination

The Supreme Court's view in Citizens United that corporate expenditures would not corrupt federal elections hinged on its view that the expenditures would be made "independently" of candidates and political parties. Current Federal Election Commission (FEC) regulations defining what constitutes coordinated vs. independent expenditures are very narrow and too weak. Past FEC efforts to write coordination regulations have been rejected twice by courts as insufficient. There was an effort during consideration of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) to strengthen the statutory definition. That effort should be revived immediately. Congress should enact statutory restrictions defining coordination, especially since the FEC has shown itself incapable of writing them.

Ø Enact Ways to Provide Candidates Sufficient Access to the Publicly Owned Airwaves

Before the recent ruling, candidates faced the daunting prospect of raising large amounts of money to purchase time on the publicly-owned airwaves simply to communicate their message to voters. With corporations—and unions—now allowed to use treasury funds to run advertisements seeking to influence election outcomes, the problem has become worse. Candidates will need resources to help ensure that voters can hear their message and judge for themselves the relative value of a candidate. Over time, the statute that requires broadcasters to provide candidates the opportunity to purchase time at the lowest unit rate (also called lowest unit charge) has become severely weakened. Air time sold at the lowest unit rate is generally pre-emptible, thus forcing candidates to buy the more expensive, non-pre-emptible time to ensure they reach the targeted demographic. A new statute should ensure that once again the lowest unit rates for candidates are meaningful. In the longer term, Congress should consider providing candidates with broadcast vouchers to match small-dollar contributions. In addition, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) should, as part of their on-going proceedings on public interest obligations of digital broadcasters, also look at ways to ensure that candidates have access to the publicly-owned airwaves so their messages are not drowned out by a political cacophony among many special interest players.

Ø Strengthen Shareholder Protections to Ensure Accountability

Corporate shareholders have a right to know how that corporation is spending its treasury funds. To improve accountability, corporations should be required to disclose more information about their expenses that are not deductible as a business expense under IRC 162, i.e. political activities. Also, corporate entities whose major activity is influencing elections should be regulated as "political committees" under federal campaign finance laws. The FEC has in recent years refused to regulate many such groups as political committees. Federal statutes should be strengthened to require regulation by the FEC.

Ø Strengthen Requirements for Disclosure of Corporate Spending for Political Purposes

A major concern raised by Citizens United is that corporations will evade disclosure of their electoral spending by laundering money through third-party organizations, such as a chamber of commerce. The Court, by a vote of 8-1, upheld the electioneering communications disclosure requirement. However, the FEC has already weakened this disclosure requirement by requiring third-party organizations to disclose only those donors that specifically designate their contributions for the organization's electioneering communications. The FEC rules thus create a roadmap for evasion of the law. Legislation should ensure that allsources of funds used by third-party groups for electoral spending are disclosed, especially any spending for advertising in mass media.

Ø Revise Statutes Dealing with Disclosure of "Electioneering Communications"

Current law requires disclosure of any broadcast, cable or satellite advertisement that: (1) references a clearly-identified federal candidate, (2) is targeted to the relevant electorate, and (3) is aired 30 days before a primary election and 60 days before a general election. Once a person or group spends over $10,000 in a year for electioneering communications, they must report to the FEC, including disclosing all their donors who contributed $1,000 or more to fund the ads. Now that corporate independent expenditures are permissible, there is no need for these narrow 30- and 60-day windows. Any electioneering communication should be disclosed whenever it occurs. Also, current law requires that independent expenditures be reported to the FEC in a filing with a statement certifying that the expenditure was not coordinated with any candidate or party. Electioneering communication disclosures should also include this same self-certification.

Ø Strengthen Pay-to-Play Restrictions for Government Contractors

Current law prohibits federal contractors from directly or indirectly making any contribution of money or other things of value to any political party, committee, or candidate. A new statute, based on the same constitutional rationale as the Hatch Act, should prohibit corporate federal contractors from making independent expenditures in support of or opposition to federal candidates. Other pay-to-play restrictions (e.g., hiring of lobbyists and certain types of corporations such as public utility companies) should also receive consideration.

Ø Ensure that Corporate Independent Expenditures Do Not Become a Means to Evade Current Statutory Restrictions on Foreign Nationals' Roles in U.S. Elections

In the aftermath of this decision, Congress should review the law to ensure that foreign controlled funds do not enter U.S. elections as a result of the Citizens United case. The FEC currently has rules governing the role of U.S. subsidiaries of foreign-owned companies that prohibit foreign funds being spent by U.S. corporations in U.S. elections, and forbid the involvement by foreign nationals in the decision-making process about such political spending. Congress should ensure that these rules are being adhered to, and can be enforced. Congress should also look at laws in states such as Hawaii that have dealt with the issues of foreign nationals.

Dangers to be Avoided in a Legislative Response: What NOT to Do

Ø Do not reopen the soft money loophole for parties

With the prospect of corporations making large independent expenditures, there is pressure to reopen the soft money loophole to allow political parties to accept unlimited corporate and union treasury funds which can be spent in a variety of ways to impact the outcomes of targeted races. But the answer to the potential influx of corporate spending is not to encourage more potential corruption. The extensive record in McConnell v. FEC, as well as the U.S. Supreme Court decision upholding BCRA, clearly demonstrated the corrupting influence of soft money contributions. That disturbing record should not be repeated by reopening the loophole.

Ø Do not significantly increase contribution limits to candidates and parties

Another reaction that has surfaced in the wake of Citizens United is to allow candidates and parties to accept significantly larger contributions. The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld contribution limits as established by Congress as a legitimate and constitutional means to fight corruption and the appearance of corruption. Significantly increasing those limits will allow even greater influence-buying and influence-seeking access.

What About Public Financing?

Public financing remains an attractive alternative to financing modern federal campaigns. However, the Citizens United ruling will require supporters of public financing to attract candidates to participate in such a system when they fear facing large independent expenditures by a corporation or union — potentially late-in-the-election cycle when there is little opportunity to offset the disadvantage. Previous public financing models relied on triggers to allow participating candidates to get larger matches or accept larger contributions if they faced such expenditures. But the Roberts Court, in Davis v. FEC, cast doubt on the constitutionality of such triggers.

The public financing measures introduced this Congress by Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Representative John Larson (D-CT), as well as a new proposal put forth by the Campaign Finance Institute, avoid this potential constitutional problem. Yet, these proposals face an uphill battle to pass in the current fiscal and political environment in Congress. In addition, some candidates may have concerns about whether they will have the ability and time to raise sufficient funds to respond effectively to late-cycle corporate or union independent expenditures in the wake of Citizens United.

What About a Constitutional Amendment?

Proposals for a constitutional amendment to override the Court's ruling in Citizens United are likely to be introduced in Congress as well. Among the forms these proposals could take include targeting the issue of treating a corporation as a person/individual, or restricting the ability of corporations to use their treasury funds for electioneering activities. The path to ratification for a constitutional amendment is very long and difficult. Also, there are many people who may disagree with the Court's ruling who are uncomfortable with altering the First Amendment. In the meantime, there are important steps to be taken to mitigate the damage caused by the opinion, and to muster the political support to fight off attempts in Congress to cause further erosion of laws that protect against corruption and the appearance of corruption, as well as access- and influence-buying.

[1] Confirmation Hearing on the Nomination of John G. Roberts, Jr. to be Chief Justice of the United States, S. Hearing. 109-158, Serial No. J-109-37, p. 144 (2005); Available at:

Citizens United v. FEC

At a Glance

In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court on January 21, 2010 struck down the 60-year-old federal prohibition on corporate independent expenditures in candidate elections in Citizens United v. FEC. By a vote of 8-1, however, the Supreme Court, upheld the electioneering communications disclosure provisions that were enacted as a part of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA).

About This Case/Action

In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court on January 21, 2010 struck down the 60-year-old federal prohibition on corporate independent expenditures in candidate elections in Citizens United v. FEC. By a vote of 8-1, however, the Supreme Court, upheld the electioneering communications disclosure provisions that were enacted as a part of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA).  In finding the longstanding corporate prohibition unconstitutional, Justice Kennedy writing for the majority overturned part of the Supreme Court’s earlier decision in McConnell v. FEC (2003) and all of its decision in Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce (1990), both of which had upheld the constitutionality of restrictions on corporate expenditure. Justice Stevens dissented, joined by Justices Ginsburg, Breyer, and Sotomayor.

The Citizens United case began as a challenge to BCRA's "electioneering communications" corporate funding restriction and disclosure requirements as applied to plaintiff's film Hillary: The Movie and its advertisements promoting the film. On July 18, 2008, the district court granted the FEC's motion for summary judgment, holding that the film was the "functional equivalent of express advocacy" and therefore could be constitutionally subject to the corporate funding restrictions. Citizens United appealed to the Supreme Court.

It was only in its opening brief filed with the Supreme Court that Citizens United first argued that the Supreme Court's 1990 decision in Austin v. Michigan State Chamber of Commerce should be overruled. Instead of deciding the case on statutory grounds or on narrow constitutional grounds, the Supreme Court took the unusual step of ordering reargument on the question of whether the Court should overrule its past decisions affirming the constitutionality of restrictions on corporate electoral expenditures. The decision that followed rejected or reinterpreted the Supreme Court’s previous decisions finding that the government had a compelling interest in regulating corporate spending in elections.

The CLC was involved in the litigation from the beginning, filing one amici brief with the district court and two amici briefs with the Supreme Court.  The district court brief and first Supreme Court brief focused on the constitutionality of the BCRA disclosure requirements.  The second Supreme Court brief, filed upon the Court’s order for reargument, addressed the broader question of the validity of the Austin and McConnell decisions.


Citizens United
