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Dismantling Barriers to Youth Civic Engagement

On April 1, 2024, at 11:30 AM EST, Campaign Legal Center (CLC) is hosted the virtual event “Dismantling Barriers to Youth Civic Engagement.” Panelists discussed the unique barriers facing young voters, highlighted the attempts to exclude these voters from our elections and, finally, discussed solutions to facilitate the participation of young voters in our democracy.

A group of diverse young Americans gather for a selfie photo after voting at their polling place
Image credit: SDI Productions

Young voters are an increasingly important political force — if they’re able to vote. Hardly a week goes by without another headline highlighting their influence, and the data bear it out: The 2022 election cycle saw record-high youth turnout in some states, and more Gen Z candidates are running for office and winning.

However, anti-democracy activists are doing their best to limit young Americans’ access to voting. Recently, they have ramped up their anti-democratic attacks on young voters — who are set to play a large role in the 2024 election.

Young adults have as much of a stake in the democratic process as any other group. Indeed, they are the generation that will live with the consequences of the decisions our elected officials make for the longest. They deserve a voice in shaping their future.

Campaign Legal Center has been working alongside clients and partners to fight back against attacks on young voters. Panelists discussed the unique barriers facing young voters, highlighted the attempts to exclude these voters from our elections and, finally, discussed solutions to facilitate the participation of young voters in our democracy.

Event Video




Laura Brill

CEO & Founder


Kyle Nitschke

Organizing Director


Valencia Richardson

Campaign Legal Center
Legal Counsel, Voting Rights


Bianca Rosales

Associate Director of Partnerships


Paul M. Smith

Campaign Legal Center
Senior Advisor