Tomorrow night Legal Center President Trevor Potter and Jonathan Soros of the Roosevelt Institute will take on David Keating of the Center for Competitive Politics and Jacob Sullum of Reason Magazine at the Intelligence Squared debate, “Two Cheers for Super PACs: Money in Politics is Still Overregulated.”
In an Oxford-style debate from 6:45-8:30 p.m. at the Kauffman Center in New York, Potter & Soros will argue against the motion while Keating & Sullivan will argue for it. The debate will be moderated by ABC News correspondent and author John Donvan.
In this election cycle when more money is being spent by outside groups than ever before, it is crucial that we have an open and honest discussion about the role of money in politics. This debate is an exciting opportunity to do just that, and have an interesting, in-depth conversation about money in politics and its impact on our democracy.
We will be bringing you live photos and tweeting from the debate, but here's how you can follow the event yourself: The debate can also be seen nationwide on the digital channel WORLD and on WNET, WLIW and NJTV. Watch the video here. Intelligence Squared debates can also be heard on over 220+ NPR stations across the nation. Contact your local station for scheduling information or click here to download the iTunes Podcast Series.
We hope you'll join us – it's going to be an exciting event!