Here are eight ways adopting ranked choice voting can improve voting and elections.

The Supreme Court of the United States punted on its decision to judge partisan gerrymandering claims out of Wisconsin and Maryland, sending them back to the trial courts for further evidence. This CLC report lays out state constitutional provisions that address redistricting and includes analysis about political and geographic boundaries, and examples of legal solutions to preserve communities of interest.

Though redistricting has always been a problem in American politics, the outsized role of partisanship in the redistricting process has received unprecedented attention across the nation since 2010. This guide is intended to arm legislators, good government advocates, and activists with the knowledge needed to design an independent redistricting commission for state legislative or congressional districts.
From July 22-24, the Pocantico Conference Center in Tarrytown, NY, with the generous support of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Joyce Foundation, and the Ford Foundation, played host to a conference on “Developing an Action Agenda for Redistricting in 2011,” convened by the League of Women Voters of the United States and the Campaign Legal Center.