Supreme Court Upholds Fair Map for Native Voters in North Dakota


Washington, DC — In a victory for Native voters in North Dakota, the U.S. Supreme Court has rejected a challenge to overturn a district map, leaving in place a previous ruling that helps ensure North Dakota’s Native voters can make their voices heard and elect leaders who will best serve their communities. Campaign Legal Center (CLC), Native American Rights Fund (NARF) and the Law Office of Bryan Sells represented the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation (MHA Nation) and individual voters in this case. 

“Today’s decision is a win for democracy,” said Bruce Spiva, senior vice president at Campaign Legal Center. “The MHA Nation and other Tribal Nations in North Dakota have overcome countless obstacles to have an equal voice and ensure that our democracy is accountable and inclusive. We applaud the Court’s ruling and celebrate the continued steps forward for Native American voting rights in North Dakota.”