New Campaign Legal Center report: The Donor-To-Ambassador Pipeline
Campaign Legal Center has released a new report, The Donor-to-Ambassador Pipeline: Why America's Key Diplomats Are Often Wealthy Political Donors. This report takes a closer look at the history of, and risks associated with, a major share of America’s top diplomats being wealthy political donors.
The release of this report also happens to coincide with the debut of The Diplomat - a new series on Netflix. Unlike our current reality, in which ambassadorships to desirable countries are doled out to wealthy donors, the show centers on a qualified career diplomat serving as U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom. Even in the high-stakes, fanciful world of the show, this is repeatedly pointed out as an anomaly.
Our report features:
A breakdown of over $22.5 million worth of donations to the Democratic Party from President Biden’s noncareer political ambassador nominees.
A historic timeline on the regularity of the donor-to-ambassador pipeline from the Reagan to Trump administrations.
Profiles of corruption and incompetence by past noncareer political ambassadors.
Reforms that Congress and the Executive Branch can adopt to ensure the most qualified officials ascend to ambassadorship roles.