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The Court v. The Voters: A Conversation with Joshua Douglas

On Tuesday, June 25, at 1 PM, professor and author Joshua A. Douglas joins Campaign Legal Center Senior Vice President Paul Smith to discuss his book "The Court v. The Voters: The Troubling Story of How the Supreme Court Has Undermined Voting Rights."

People stand a long a fence in front of the Supreme Court. One woman wearing a poncho holds up a sign which says "It's about US".
Demonstrators stand in front of the Supreme Court during the oral arguments for Merrill v. Milligan on October 4, 2022. Photo by Casey Atkins/Campaign Legal Center

In recent decades, we have witnessed an alarming trend at our nation’s highest court. From headline-grabbing cases like Bush v. Gore and Citizens United to lesser-known but still impactful cases like Crawford v. Marion County Elections Board, the Supreme Court of the United States has significantly changed American elections.

"The Court v. The Voters: The Troubling Story of How the Supreme Court Has Undermined Voting Rights" examines each of these cases in turn and explains how each decision impacted our democracy and the voting rights of everyday Americans.

In plain, accessible language, “The Court v. The Voters” uses actual human stories to allow readers to understand the real and present danger of a court that consistently undermines those it is meant to serve — while highlighting solutions that will empower readers to plot a course for change.

In conversation with Campaign Legal Center Senior Vice President Paul Smith, professor and author Joshua A. Douglas will take his knowledge of election law to lead attendees behind the scenes of the most significant cases in the history of voting rights in America.

Douglas is a professor at the University of Kentucky J. David Rosenberg College of Law. He is the author of “Vote for US: How to Take Back Our Elections and Change the Future of Voting,” which provides hope and inspiration for a positive path forward on voting rights.


Any books and their content discussed during Campaign Legal Conversations and any facilitation of book sales do not constitute an endorsement of the author or speaker's views by Campaign Legal Center. The views expressed during Campaign Legal Conversations are those of the speaker(s) and not, necessarily, of Campaign Legal Center or the moderator. 




Paul M. Smith

Campaign Legal Center
Senior Vice President


Joshua A. Douglas

Professor and Author