Fair Fight Action and Campaign Legal Center (CLC) filed an emergency court motion asking for a temporary restraining order that would prevent Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger from moving forward with the state’s plans to illegally purge 120,561 Georgia voters from the rolls.
These people are being removed solely because they have chosen not to vote in recent elections and have not returned two mailed notices asking for confirmation of their addresses.
Many conditions exist that make it difficult for many eligible voters to make it to the polls to vote. Hourly and wage workers, seniors, people with disabilities, people who rely on public transportation, low-income individuals, the homeless and those with family responsibilities may be unable to make it to the polls to vote.
CLC is working in partnership with Fair Fight Action to protect these voters and will participate in a hearing on the legal challenge to the planned voter purge. The anticipated purge will violate the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, as well as Georgia election law.
Practices like Georgia’s disproportionately impact traditionally marginalized communities. At a time when we should be working to increase the participation of all communities, Georgia seems to be moving backward.