Two hands seen through frosted glass. One is passing a stack of what looks like money to another.

Stop Secret Spending

More Accountability, Less Corruption

Stop Secret Spending

More Accountability, Less Corruption

To reduce political corruption, we need real transparency about who is spending big money on elections so that politicians can no longer receive unlimited, secret money from wealthy special interests to support their campaigns.  

A nationwide survey of likely 2020 general election voters found overwhelming support for publicly disclosing political contributions to organizations. 

83% of voters across partisan and demographic lines support publicly disclosing political contributions to organizations.

83% of voters across partisan and demographic lines support publicly disclosing political contributions


About Stop Secret Spending 

Stop Secret Spending is a project of Campaign Legal Center (CLC). CLC is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization based in Washington, D.C. CLC holds candidates and government officials accountable regardless of political affiliation.