FEC must take action on Chris Christie Super PAC donor evading disclosure laws


New complaint highlights more and more Super PAC donors are hiding behind LLCs as the FEC fails to enforce the law

WASHINGTON – The Campaign Legal Center, a leading campaign finance watchdog, along with Democracy 21, today filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC), calling on the agency to investigate contributions funneled through “Decor Services LLC” to a pro-Chris Christie Super PAC, just 16 days after the corporation’s formation.

According to a report by the Center for Public Integrity, it appears this company was set up for the purpose of laundering money to a political committee while hiding the true source of the funds, a clear violation of campaign finance laws.

 “Thanks to the FEC’s inaction, we’re seeing a growing trend of campaign donors skirting disclosure laws by hiding behind corporations to anonymously fund elections,” said Paul S. Ryan, deputy executive director of the Campaign Legal Center. “We call on the FEC to enforce the law. Otherwise, big Super PAC donors face no consequences, while Americans have no way of knowing who is funding and influencing elections, including whether illegal foreign money is creeping into American elections.”