Campaign Legal Center Responds to the Nomination of Dara Lindenbaum to the Federal Election Commission


Campaign Legal Center (CLC) applauds President Joseph R. Biden for acting to avoid a potential vacancy on the Federal Election Commission (FEC) by nominating experienced election law attorney Dara Lindenbaum to serve on the Commission. After multiple periods in which the FEC was hindered by a lack of quorum, the administration’s proactive replacement of a commissioner serving on an expired term should enable the FEC to retain its legal ability to function through the 2022 election.

To reduce political corruption, we need a strong, effective FEC to enforce campaign finance laws and hold political candidates and their donors accountable – the nomination of qualified candidates is an essential component of a successful FEC. We urge President Biden to continue to nominate qualified candidates who are fully committed to protecting the First Amendment rights of all Americans to have their voices heard. 

At Campaign Legal Center, we are advancing democracy through law. Learn more about our work.