National Journal: Rubio Relying On Secret Donors To Finance Ad Blitz


Paul Ry­an, with the Cam­paign Leg­al Cen­ter, said hav­ing a well-fun­ded Re­pub­lic­an like the former Flor­ida gov­ernor com­plain­ing about secret money might fi­nally do something about it. “We whole-heartedly wel­come Gov. Bush’s new­found re­li­gion on the dis­clos­ure of donors,” Ry­an said.

What’s more, Ry­an points out, many Re­pub­lic­ans were strong pro­ponents of full dis­clos­ure, back when Con­gress was de­bat­ing the Mc­Cain-Fein­gold cam­paign-fin­ance lim­its more than a dec­ade ago. Sen. Mitch Mc­Con­nell then ar­gued that lim­its were un­ne­ces­sary.

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