The Energy 202: Scott Pruitt Takes Another Significant Policy Step as Controversies Swirl

The Washington Post

Scott Pruitt's agency took the initial step this week toward changing how it calculates the economic benefits and costs of regulatory decisions, a revision long sought by conservative allies of  PresidentTrump, according to a report by me and Chris Mooney.

Likewise, the Campaign Legal Center, a nonpartisan nonprofit that strives for strong enforcement of campaign finance laws, plans to today ask for the EPA inspector general to open an investigation into the Chick-fil-A situation. "Pruitt has violated the executive branch’s rules against misuse of position and its ethical principles," the center's Brendan Fischer wrote to EPA Inspector General Arthur A. Elkins Jr. "Even if you should find that his conduct does not technically violate the rules, he has fallen short of the ethical mandate to avoid even the appearance of a violation of these rules and principles."

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