The Daily Beast: Did Ben Carson Already Break Campaign Law?


According to Larry Noble, senior counsel for the Campaign Legal Center, Carson may have already broken that rule. ...

“Even though he never says ‘vote for me as president,’ he’s clearly discussing his candidacy. What he’s supposed to say in that situation is, ‘I‘m really not here to discuss my campaign for president; I’m here to to discuss my book,’” Noble said. ...

Noble added that if another campaign filed a complaint with the FEC regarding Carson’s comments at the Press Club, the commission would likely take that complaint seriously. ...

“My view is that multiple appearances by a candidate on talk shows to discuss politics amounts to campaign activity and, consequently, that the campaign should have paid some of the transportation and lodging expenses,” emailed Paul Ryan, a spokesperson for the Campaign Legal Center. ...

Ryan added that similar situations have divided the FEC.

“At any rate, the commission deadlocked so there’s no formal guidance from the commission on this point of law,” he said.

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