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From Dysfunctional to Disastrous: The Concerning Direction the FEC is Heading

On Thursday, July 18, at 1 pm EST, Campaign Legal Center, in conversation with key reporters and former Federal Election Commission actors, will explore the impact of the FEC taking steps backward in the fight to regulate political spending.

FEC commissioners sit behind a desk facing five people seated in chairs at a desk in front of them
A public meeting of the Federal Election Commission on February 14, 2023. Photo by Casey Atkins/Campaign Legal Center

For over a decade, the frustrations that outside observers, experts, and watchdogs had with the Federal Election Commission were clear: The government agency responsible for regulating money in politics and overseeing the integrity of our elections deadlocked so often — usually with a partisan split of three Republican commissioners and three Democrats — that enforcement became more of an exception than a rule. Regulations remained stagnant, and voters were left to largely fend for themselves.  

But over the past two years, that pattern has changed remarkably, and for the worse: the agency that had been mired in dysfunction for so many years suddenly began issuing decisions, almost all of which are approved by a four-vote majority comprised of the three Republican commissioners and a Democratic commissioner. These decisions are drastically rolling back deeply established, longstanding limits on money in politics. The net result has been clear: in the jarring words of one current commissioner, “The deregulators are winning.”  

The impact of these decisions will be felt both immediately and over the long term. 2024 candidates have moved to take immediate advantage of the FEC’s new deregulatory decisions, and these decisions — having been approved by a majority of the Commission — are likely to remain binding precedent for years to come, making transparency and accountability harder, and corruption easier, in our elections for the foreseeable future. 

How did this massive change come about? How did the FEC go from regular deadlocks to rapid deregulation, and what can those who hope to see campaign finance laws and restraint upheld do about it?  

In a discussion with former FEC senior attorneys, a former FEC commissioner and one of the leading journalists covering the agency, Campaign Legal Center will get to the bottom of those questions and more — exploring how we got here, how these changes occurred, and how we can still fight to uphold voters’ right to know who is spending in their elections.




Erin Chlopak

Campaign Legal Center
Senior Director, Campaign Finance


Taylor Giorno

Business and Lobbying Reporter


Adav Noti

Campaign Legal Center
Executive Director


Ann Ravel

Former FEC Commissioner