CLC collaborates with ethics commissions across the country to provide solutions to challenges including limitations on staff, technology, funding and other resources. The proven tools are suitable for ethics commissions of all sizes and budgetary constraints. CLC can help you implement these changes in your jurisdiction and connect you to those who have seen on-the-ground success.
2024 Threat Assessment Report
2024 Threat Assessment Report
Ethics commissions across the nation must be prepared to respond to the new and creative threats they face from those looking to undermine democracy.
Ethics commissions have been a staple of American democratic accountability for more than 50 years. The commissions promote voter confidence in policymakers and political institutions by ensuring that the groups under their jurisdiction follow ethics laws. They provide transparency into the decision-making process and accountability for public officials who fail to serve the public’s trust.
The work of ethics commissions supports the public’s trust in government and is intended to foster a culture where public officials prioritize the interests of the public.
But just like any other government agency, ethics commissions face logistical and administrative challenges that can threaten their capacity to inform voters and uphold transparency. Lawmakers who want to curb these commissions’ powers work hard to dismantle these agencies by introducing legislation that impedes their mission or diminishes their authority. Often, these challenges erupt soon after ethics commissions adopt laws in the wake of high-profile ethics investigations or after enforcement actions that target statewide officials and local entities.
This groundbreaking report examines the major themes of the legislative and litigation threats leveraged against ethics commissions this year, identifying key trends that ethics commissions can use to help prepare for 2025 and beyond.