Lichtenstein v. Hargett: United States District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee Nashville Division - Complaint
Campaign Legal Center (CLC) is representing individual Jeffrey Lichtenstein and community organizations A. Phillip Randolph Institute (APRI), The Equity Alliance (TEA), Free Hearts, Memphis Central Labor Council (MCLC), and the Tennessee State Conference of the NAACP, in their efforts to stop enforcement of a law that makes it a felony for organizations and their members to disseminate applications for absentee ballots to voters. Under the law, anyone other than an election official who provides a copy of an application for an absentee ballot to a voter is at risk of losing their voting rights, a sentence of at least one and up to six years in prison, and a fine of up to $3,000. This is despite the fact that the applications are available on the Tennessee Secretary of State's and several county election commissions' websites.