Recent Cases & Actions
American elections work because we have tried-and-tested systems and safeguards built into our electoral process. CLC supports strengthening existing laws and security measures to ensure all votes are counted and election results are honored.
Supreme Court justices are appointed for life, but there is little structure to hold them accountable when ethics concerns arise. To maintain public trust, it's critical that the Supreme Court be held to similar ethical standards as other branches of government and that justices are held accountable when those standards are violated.
Campaign Legal Center (CLC) is representing four affected voters, two of whom have already been purged from the voter rolls, and a group of Alabama organizations in a lawsuit challenging Alabama’s new voter purge program, which threatens Alabamians’ freedom to vote. The purge program particularly targets naturalized citizens, who have the same freedom to vote as U.S.-born citizens.
CLC's lawyers litigate cases across the nation protecting voting rights, fighting unconstitutional gerrymandering and defending against attacks on campaign finance and disclosure laws. CLC also serves as a watchdog, applying pressure to governmental agencies that fail to enforce campaign finance laws and voting protections.
Campaign Legal Center Action (CLCA), on behalf of the gun safety organization Giffords, filed suit against the National Rifle Association (NRA) and two political campaigns for violating federal campaign finance laws. This suit follows the FEC's failure to comply with a court order to take action on the allegations against the NRA.
Michigan voters approved a constitutional amendment to create an independent redistricting commission to redraw the state’s voting districts. A group of plaintiffs sued to block its implementation. CLC serves as co-counsel for Voters Not Politicians, a nonpartisan, citizen-led organization that worked to pass the constitutional amendment.
In 2021, Georgia passed a new elections law that severely limits the ability of third parties to provide voters with assistance requesting, obtaining and submitting absentee ballot applications. CLC represents several organizations who distribute absentee ballot applications in challenging this burdensome and unnecessary law.