Voters and pollworkers wearing facemasks outside a polling place in DC

2020 Election Defense Fund

2020 Election Defense Fund

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we conduct daily life in America in the midst of a critical election year. Campaign Legal Center—the country’s premier legal institution defending the democratic process—is committed to ensuring that this November’s election is accessible to all voters. 

In light of the ongoing pandemic, Campaign Legal Center’s (CLC) efforts to expand voter access have taken on renewed urgency as we advance strategies to ensure that the elections can proceed safely and securely. Moreover, the need to address and protect against potential misinformation, election interference, widespread confusion and executive abuse at the state and federal levels is paramount. 

In light of these challenges, CLC is committed to ensuring that this November’s election is accessible to all voters. We are creating a $1.5 million Election Defense Fund to equip our legal experts to respond to threats against a free and fair election in November. We plan to reach our goal by Tuesday, November 3rd, to ensure we have the resources needed to launch strategic litigation prior to and following the election. With your support, we will focus on three core priorities: 

  • Ensure everyone who votes by mail gets counted by amending flawed ballot signature match policies and processes  

  • Engage with leadership in states to push for solutions that address gaps and flaws in local elections  

  • Prepare for legal action to ensure access to the ballot this November 


Make a Contribution to the Election Defense Fund



CLC serves as the strategic legal mind and premiere legal-service provider for democracy protection and reform, from legislation to implementation to litigation. We serve as THE non-partisan group advocating for good governance and the principles of democracy – such as the need for openness, fair districting and voting rights – at every level of government.

A voter wearing a facemask checks in at a voting site in DC

CLC creates impact and achieves its goals through a blend of activities:  

  • Litigation – In some cases, CLC is proactive in seeking out opportunities to defend democracy in the courts.  In others, the work is reactive based on issues that arise at federal, state or local levels. We defend existing campaign finance laws and fight voter suppression laws, and serve as a resource for jurisdictions and attorneys general facing litigation. 

  • Policy advocacy – CLC focuses on the issues that could have the biggest impact, envisioning what the laws should be, and drafting and sharing model legislation or bill language CLC supports.  As a watchdog, CLC also works to influence officials and opinion leaders to change or uphold policy. 

  • Communications – CLC works to boost awareness and provide education around its priority issues as well as leading coalition messaging efforts. As the role of communication in CLC’s impact grows, we are refining our approach. 

  • Partnerships – CLC builds relationships with allied groups, on Capitol Hill and in the courts, and with funders to help fight litigation battles, move legislation, establish policy, define strategies and make positive change. 

Voters wearing facemasks wait line line to vote in DC


The combination of the COVID-19 pandemic and myriad opponents to voter access make vivid the urgent need for Campaign Legal Center’s work this election year. Our focus on the underlying laws and regulations that support democracy in America, the non-partisan perspective with which we approach all that we do, and the strength of our nearly two decades of work all stand us in good stead as we chart our course forward. With your support, we rise to the challenge of this moment. 

Together, we will ensure that every voter has access to the ballot, and every vote is counted.

Donate to the Election Defense Fund