Kyrsten Sinema, the Only Anti-Net Neutrality Dem, Linked to Super PAC Run by a Comcast Lobbyist

The American Prospect

Sinema was chair of the Blue Dog PAC, the campaign arm of the centrist Blue Dog Coalition, during the 115th Congress, a period during which the PAC raised maximum legal contributions of $10,000 from NCTA, Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T. Blue Dog PAC also donated to Center Forward Committee in the 2014 and 2016 election cycles. Despite Sinema’s control of Blue Dog PAC, campaign finance expert Brendan Fischer of the Campaign Legal Center does not think the transactions would violate the law against coordination between candidates and super PACs. “Taken alone, it likely wouldn’t constitute coordination, unless the transfer was accompanied by some request or direction that the super PAC run certain ads supporting Sinema,” Fischer told Sludge.

Read the full article here.