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The Latest from Campaign Legal Center

Campaign Legal Center’s (CLC) new Race in Politics Catalog is a collection of political communications, campaign materials and comments that make racial appeals to voters. Compiled over the 2017-2018 election cycle, the Catalog gathers – in one place for the first time – many different types of race-based appeals from political campaigns across the...

The Political Accountability and Transparency Act (PATA), H.R. 679, a bipartisan bill introduced by U.S. Representatives Kathleen Rice (D-NY), Mike Gallagher (R-WI), and Derek Kilmer (D-WA), addresses the abuses of campaign finance law that have become increasingly common in federal elections. Campaign Legal Center’s new issue brief describes how...

The pro-Trump super PAC Rebuilding America Now is reportedly under scrutiny in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. But from its inception, Rebuilding America Now has engaged in dubious legal maneuvers.

The super PAC’s close ties to the Trump campaign, its sources of funding, and its...

On January 4, the U.S. Supreme Court announced it will hear arguments in a challenge to North Carolina’s 2016 congressional map, which is one of the most egregious partisan gerrymanders in American history. The case has the potential to reshape future redistricting nationwide by limiting politicians’ ability to discriminate against voters who favor...


On January 3, 2019, the U.S. House of Representatives introduced HR 1, a bill to make vital, high-priority improvements to our government and election systems. Rep. John Sarbanes (MD-3), the principal author of HR 1, is the chair of the House Democracy Reform Task Force.

Among other reforms, HR 1 would: increase transparency of campaign spending...

States are often called the laboratories of democracy, but in 2018 American cities and counties were the major drivers of innovative campaign finance reforms.

Across the country, numerous localities adopted laws to expand citizen participation in the campaign process, increase transparency of political spending, and eliminate pay-to-play politics...

On December 15, President Trump announced via Twitter that Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke will leave office by the end of 2018. The departure comes in the midst of several investigations into Zinke’s questionable conduct and business dealings while serving as Secretary. Campaign Legal Center (CLC) has been working to hold Zinke accountable...


Today, the Tampa Bay Times published an op-ed by CLC’s Blair Bowie and partners from Alabama Appleseed, a small nonprofit that has partnered with CLC to educate the public about barriers to voting rights.

The piece calls attention to the importance of voter education and empowerment to spread the word about the passage of Amendment 4 in this year...

During the 2016 election cycle, the National Rife Assocation’s (NRA) political and lobbying arms spent over $25 million supporting Trump, mostly for television advertising, and distributed and placed those advertisements using the same network of consulting firms that placed the Trump campaign’s own advertisements.

In fact, in the final stretch of...

It is easy to cast Washington, D.C. as lethargic and unbending to reform efforts. Congress failed to pass any legislation in response to foreign interference in the 2016 election, and increasingly looks uninterested in passing any legislation at all. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) has become so dysfunctional that watchdog groups, like...

This post is part of a series on Take Care and the Election Law Blog on legislation to reform U.S. elections.


The 2018 election provides us with two main insights on American democracy. First, our democratic system of government is falling down on the job. In this past election cycle, dark money flooded our digital spaces, voters faced a series...

The 2018 midterm race for Maine’s Second Congressional District marks the first federal election successfully conducted using Ranked Choice Voting.

Ranked Choice Voting (“RCV”) allows voters to rank candidates in order of preference when marking their ballots, and provides for additional rounds of tabulating votes where no candidate receives a...


Today, Campaign Legal Center (CLC), Issue One and five former lawmakers from both parties submitted comments urging the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to clarify that the ban on personal use of campaign funds should apply to leadership PACs, in order to stop politicians from using the PACs as their personal slush funds. The organizations and...

On Friday, November 9, 2018 the Maricopa County Superior Court ordered all county recorders statewide to permit voters to “cure” their signature mismatch issue by the Wednesday, November 15 deadline to fix conditional provisional ballots. The parties agreed that the “cure” period requires county recorders to provide notice to voters with supposed...

In Tuesday’s election, Americans overwhelmingly voted to support measures that end extreme partisan gerrymandering, improve the way we fund elections to give every day voters a voice in the political process, expand voting access and move toward a more ethical and accountable government.

Campaign Legal Center helped draft and advise on many of...

Today, Campaign Legal Center (CLC), Dēmos and the MacArthur Justice Center filed a class action lawsuit challenging Ohio’s policy of disenfranchising eligible voters arrested just prior to the election and held in detention through Election Day. 

Under Ohio’s current system, eligible voters who are held pretrial by the state are being...

The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia ordered Secretary of State Brian Kemp to allow voters who were wrongly flagged as non-citizens to be allowed to cast regular ballots.

Campaign Legal Center (CLC), Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, on behalf of a coalition of...

Over the past decade, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) has developed a well-deserved reputation for dysfunction. It has deadlocked on more and more enforcement matters, stood idly by while hundreds of millions of dollars in dark money have flooded our elections, and failed to take even basic steps to update campaign finance law for the 21st...

CLC sent a letter on October 22 to Arizona Secretary of State Michele Reagan on behalf of the League of United Latin American Citizens Arizona (LULAC – Arizona), the League of Women Voters, and the Arizona Advocacy Network Foundation requesting that all mail-in voters be notified if their ballot is deemed unsatisfactory and have an opportunity to...

Recently, in a victory for transparency in elections, a D.C. District Court struck down a Federal Election Commission (FEC) rule that had allowed as much as $769 million in dark money to flow into our elections since the 2010 election cycle, according to a new Campaign Legal Center analysis.

As a result, groups that make independent expenditures...

Kevin Wong from Nevada thought he could not vote because of a past conviction. But he visited the website RestoreYourVote.org and learned the truth about his rights. He registered to vote that same day.

Kevin was incarcerated until 2016 and was released the day before that year's presidential elections. Highly interested in politics, Kevin was...