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When the people in charge of drawing voting maps are the same people who stand to benefit from influencing those maps, voters lose. Wisconsinites deserve fair maps that give them an equal chance to make their voices heard and elect leaders who will best serve their community.  

Campaign Legal Center (CLC) partnered with Law Forward, the Election...


A healthy democracy needs institutions that are free of corruption and safeguarded against abuses of power. Fulfilling these goals requires that we enhance checks and balances between our branches of government, promote transparency and accountability for officials entrusted with the public good, and protect our elections from improper interference...

Every election cycle, wealthy special interests spend record-breaking amounts of money to influence elections. Transparency regarding the sources of that election spending is essential to our democracy because it enables voters to know who is spending money to influence their votes and allows them to fully evaluate the electoral messages that such...

As 2024 presidential candidates look to build support for their respective campaigns among voters, “soft money” — or funds raised outside the scope of federal campaign finance laws — is already having a major impact on the race for the White House. Because soft money doesn’t comply with federal campaign finance laws, it undermines the crucial...

The federal campaign finance laws that prohibit federal contractors from making political contributions stand as a bulwark against corrupt, “pay to play” style politics and assure voters that taxpayer-funded government contracts are not for sale.

This protection is vital to rooting out corruption in our democracy and the enforcement of these laws...

Lawmakers are failing to disclose thousands of dollars they have accepted for free travel gifted to them by special interests, and the source of the problem appears to be lax ethics enforcement in Congress.  

The Wall Street Journal reported examples of three House members who failed to disclose receiving domestic and international travel valued...


The 2024 election cycle may be one of the most contentious ever, which is why it is imperative that voters feel confident in the health and security of our democracy. Congress can help realize this goal by passing the reintroduced Freedom to Vote Act as soon as possible. 

The Freedom to Vote Act is a transformative proposal that would increase...

For the third time this summer, the actions of a Supreme Court justice have shone a light on just how poor ethics enforcement is for the nine judges on our nation’s highest court – and made it clear just how desperately an internal enforcement mechanism is needed. A new round of reporting shows that Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s staff pushed...


Transparency around who is influencing public officials is integral for the public to know whether their officials are acting in the public’s interest, or in their own personal interests, or the interests of the wealthy special interests who are giving them gifts.  

Without this insight, it is impossible for the public to know what forces may be...


This spring, the U.S. passed a major milestone in the fight against felony disenfranchisement: a majority of states now let people with felony convictions vote after they have been released from prison and return to their communities, even if they are still serving probation or parole.  

Felony disenfranchisement laws, which take away someone’s...

Checks and balances are a cornerstone of our democracy and prevent any one person, party or legislative body from abusing power. This morning, the Supreme Court rejected an extreme legal theory that threatened to completely upend that system.  

The fringe independent state legislature (ISL) theory at issue in Moore v. Harper would have given state...

Our democracy works best when voters have complete and accurate information about who’s spending money to influence elections. In addition to informing voters about where political money is coming from, electoral transparency also helps ensure that our elections are safe from corruption and foreign influence. Federal campaign finance laws require...

The integrity of the electoral process depends on transparent public disclosure of who is spending money on elections. Voters have a right to know who is trying to influence their vote.

One tactic special interests use to keep their political spending secret is by enlisting a “straw donor” — which may be an individual or an LLC, trust, or other...

Following recent ballot measure victories to end secret spending in state elections, state legislators and communities around the country have taken notice and are working to prevent wealthy special interests from using unlimited, secret money to rig the political system in their favor.

After the Supreme Court’s 2010 decision in Citizens United...

Yet another troubling example of why the Supreme Court needs stronger ethics rules and an internal enforcement mechanism for handling ethical violations has surfaced — this time by way of unreported travel gifts given to Justice Samuel Alito.  

In an extremely unusual move, Justice Alito published an op-ed to rebuff and get in front of the...


In a sign of how widespread concern over the ethics of our nation’s highest court has spread, the Senate Subcommittee on Federal Courts, Oversight, Agency Action, and Federal Rights held a hearing on Supreme Court ethics on June 14th - its second in as many months - focusing on how to ensure an impartial and trustworthy judiciary. The hearing...


The Federal Election Commission (FEC), the sole government agency tasked with enforcing federal campaign finance law, has a problematic pattern of delaying public disclosure of why it chooses to dismiss complaints of alleged campaign finance violations.

But a new ruling marks a step forward in ensuring that the FEC is more accountable in its...

When Black and brown voters are forced to vote under discriminatory electoral maps, they have fewer opportunities to make their voices heard on the issues that matter most to them and elect representatives who reflect their values and will fight for their communities.  

Thankfully, on June 8, 2023 the Supreme Court issued a landmark decision that...

Following an exodus of election workers after an increase in threats, harassment, doxxing and stalking, Nevada has become the latest state to sign into law a bill that protects the everyday Americans who help keep our democracy safe and secure. 

Notably, this legislation garnered unanimous support in both chambers, a monumental feat in a state...

One thing all Americans can agree upon — no matter their political persuasion — is that our elections should be safe and secure.

For the past decade, it has been the mission of the Electronic Registration Information Center, commonly known as ERIC, to ensure just that.

The non-profit, bipartisan consortium — voluntarily joined by 32 states through...

Campaign Legal Center welcomes eight new members to our team for the summer: our 2023 class of summer legal interns. The summer interns are current law students who will work with CLC's full time staff to help advance our work in the areas of voting rights, redistricting, campaign finance, and ethics. 

Welcome, team!

Meet the Interns
