New Spanish Site Helps Latinx Former Felons Know Their Voting Rights

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Last year, the Campaign Legal Center (CLC) launched as an online resource “to help people with convictions in all fifty states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico understand their voting rights.” According to the CLC, many people with former convictions wrongly believe they’re not eligible to vote. It’s a misconception that too many Americans believe ourselves. So far, the CLC has registered over 70,000 visits to their website by people yearning to reclaim their civic rights but need help in navigating the complex information. Now, in order to reach an even bigger pool of former felons, the CLC has launched a Spanish version of the site. “Citizens who have paid their debt to society are entitled to participate in our democracy. We are launching this tool because voting should be accessible to all citizens no matter where they live, the color of their skin or the language they speak,” said Jonathan Diaz, legal counsel, voting rights at CLC.

Read the full article here.